Creating, Saving, Finding & Deleting

For the purposes of this documentation the class "User" from "Setting up a class" will be used for most examples.

Creating and Updating Rows

The act of creating and saving a record is remarkably similar: The save method will create a new row if the primary key property is 0 or empty, otherwise it will attempt to execute an update.

To create a new row:

let obj         = User()
obj.firstname   = "Joe"
obj.lastname    = "Smith"

try {
    id in = id as! Int

Note that the .email property was omitted in the initial save. Let's fix that: = ""

Because the .id property was set, an update is performed.

Creating a new record that already has the Primary Key set

There are some situations where the you will wish to set the primary key, and the .save method above will not work in this case.

Here, you will need to invoke the .create() method instead.

This forces an insert instead, using your value for the primary key.

let obj         = User()          = 10001
obj.firstname   = "Mister"
obj.lastname    = "PotatoHead"       = ""
try obj.create()

Capturing Errors

The simple form of the .save uses try, but the result can be ignored. However it's good practice to trap for these errors and act accordingly.

The initial .save could be handled instead like this:

do {
    try {id in = id as! Int }
} catch {
    // Inform the developer using console logging:
    print("There was an error: \(error)")
    // Do something about it in code.

Retrieving Rows

There are three ways to retrieve one or more rows: .get, .find, and .select.

Get Methods

The .get methods will attempt to retrieve rows via an exact primary key column match.

let obj = User()
try obj.get(1)
print("User's name: \(obj.firstname) \(obj.lastname)")

The user id can also be set before the .get is performed:

let obj     = User()      = 2
try obj.get()
print("User's name: \(obj.firstname) \(obj.lastname)")

The Find Method

.find will perform an exact match on the name/value pairs supplied.

let obj = User()
try obj.find([("firstname", "Joe")])
print("Find Record:  \(, \(obj.firstname), \(obj.lastname)")

Using Select

By far the most powerful of the row retrieval methods is .select.

The select method will take several input forms; the simplest is:

    whereclause: "firstname = $1", 
    params: ["Joe"], 
    orderby: ["id"]

The .select method takes advantage of parameter binding to protect from SQL injection. Actually all methods do, but only a few core methods expose this and require knowledge of how parameter binding works.

In the previous example, the parameter $1 is used to signal that the first item in the array fed to .params should be used. The substitution will protect for data type and potential nasty input.

The .select method also will allow more specific search options such as LIKE and other comparison operators. Knowledge of SQL becomes necessary beyond the basics.

The additional options available in the .select method are:

columns:        [String],
cursor:         StORMCursor
  • columns allows an array of column names to be supplied which will target specific data that will be returned from the query.
  • cursor is a StORMCursor object that specifies the number of rows to return and the offset from the 1st record. This is often used for pagination.

Deleting Rows

Deleting a row is done in a similar way to the .get method: it can be done by supplying a primary key, or by deleting the currently held row.

let obj = User()
try obj.delete(1)
let obj = User() = 1
try obj.delete()